Enrico Serafini, elected new AICRO vice president
- Posted by admin
- On 12 February 2021
AICRO announces that Enrico Serafini has been appointed Vice President of AICRO, for the three-year period 2021-2023.
Dr. Serafini is Chairman of the Board of CRO LATIS S.r.l., a top role he has held since its inception (2012).
He is a member of the Board of the UNIFARM University Consortium of Catania and CEO of the outpatient clinic New Dental Medical Service of Modena.
At the same time as Latis, he is the Sole Director of Finaudit, a legal and commercial consulting company based in Genoa.
The new appointment comes in recognition of his significant growth within AICRO, where he actively participates as a member of the Centro Studi team and Chair of the WG Privacy and Information Security.
“We need to create visibility. Within AICRO, members have the skills and experience to fuel this activity, and an increasing sharing of strategies is the fundamental tool,” said Serafini at the dawn of his appointment.
“I believe, but most of all I hope, that my contribution will strengthen the synergy with the members and increase the association’s visibility outside, giving authority and representativeness to the member companies”.