News 2018

AICRO Board of Directors

On January 23rd, 2018 during AICRO General Assembly, the new Board of Directors was elected because the past one was about to expire.

The new Board of Directors, that will remain in office for the next 3 years, is composed of:

  • President: Dr. Donato Bonifazi
  • Vice President: Dr. Fabio Giordano
  • Treasurer: Dr. Stefano Marini
  • Scientific Director: Dr. Antoinette van Dijk

The new Board of Directors, just established, on behalf of all AICRO members, wishes to express all its gratitude and appreciation for the great contribution and passion that Mariapia Cirenei has transmitted to AICRO in the 6 years of her presidency. The results of his work and that of the members who actively supported the growth of visibility and national importance of AICRO, testify to the quality of the work done, which the new Board of Directors undertakes to bring even further.